
Clean, green energy is a hallmark for northern Sweden. The region is a role model for sustainable and innovative energy and climate solutions. But with the unparalleled industrial investments in the coming years, the energy demand is projected to skyrocket and hence the supply is a critical challenge for many stakeholders, private as well as public.

A new significant industry is emerging when hydrogen and fuel cells replace fossil fuels and traditional combustion technology. Demand for new components, system and market solutions are increasing and early developers, both in industry and research, have a great chance to gain strong positions even globally. Chemicals and fuels from biomass are two other important development areas that can make a big difference in the creation of sustainable energy sources.

Several small and large-scale energy initiatives are ongoing in the northern part of Sweden with potential to transform the industry.

Our industry experience:

  • Supported the development, business model creation as well as financial and operational modelling of the Swedish Hydrogen Development Center
  • Supported LTU Green Fuels with financing strategies, business models, market analysis and implementation plans
  • Supported SKB (Svensk kärnbränslehantering) with strategies and financial analyses on their test and demo sites

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